Thursday, September 1, 2011

I can do anything, huh?

Well the new school year has started off and I've vowed to myself that I would do my best in my classes. Though they are boring, I've noticed it's easier to just stop procrastinating and get it done. I've also noticed that I really don't have many people I can rely on in recent days. Apart from a few choice family members and one close friend, I really don't have anybody local that I can count on. Furthermore, my financial situation isn't exactly the best right now, I'll need tires before winter, insurance is slowly approaching, I need to pay tuition, and if all goes according to plan, I need to still save up money for when my guest comes in from Japan. These are times that I wish I had grown up in a spoiled household. I hate constantly thinking how I'm going to afford this or that, never even so much as going out with friends unless I can get them to cover for me. Then again, there aren't many people in town now, so the temptation is more or less gone for a while... at least until winter break. But you know? Everybody has rough spots in life. I'm sure somebody's situation somewhere, right now, is an ungodly amount worse than mine. I'll pull through, I always have, and as long as I have a say in it, I always will. On a lighter note - I had a plant tour with UPS today, I hope they call me in for an interview soon. It would be perfect scheduling for my class-load.
I miss this view...