Thursday, September 1, 2011

I can do anything, huh?

Well the new school year has started off and I've vowed to myself that I would do my best in my classes. Though they are boring, I've noticed it's easier to just stop procrastinating and get it done. I've also noticed that I really don't have many people I can rely on in recent days. Apart from a few choice family members and one close friend, I really don't have anybody local that I can count on. Furthermore, my financial situation isn't exactly the best right now, I'll need tires before winter, insurance is slowly approaching, I need to pay tuition, and if all goes according to plan, I need to still save up money for when my guest comes in from Japan. These are times that I wish I had grown up in a spoiled household. I hate constantly thinking how I'm going to afford this or that, never even so much as going out with friends unless I can get them to cover for me. Then again, there aren't many people in town now, so the temptation is more or less gone for a while... at least until winter break. But you know? Everybody has rough spots in life. I'm sure somebody's situation somewhere, right now, is an ungodly amount worse than mine. I'll pull through, I always have, and as long as I have a say in it, I always will. On a lighter note - I had a plant tour with UPS today, I hope they call me in for an interview soon. It would be perfect scheduling for my class-load.
I miss this view...


  1. Good post, everything u said was true man so good words to keep your head up. Seems like your on the right track, and goodluck on the job situation.

  2. Thanks Brian, but yeah, still working on that whole 'job' thing... just not a lot in my town lol

    And anonymous, I don't know who you are, but thank you as well. Your comment really made my morning. :)
